DIY Beaded Violet Flower Bouquet

DIY Beaded Violet Flower Bouquet 1

DIY Beaded Violet Flower Bouquet 2

Of all the indoor plants, violets are perhaps one of the most popular because they are beautiful, bloom well and fragrant. If you love making crafts with beads, you can try this DIY project to make a beautiful beaded violet flower bouquet in a pot. They are perfect home decor gifts. Here are the things you will need:

  • beads
  • wire in two sizes: 0.35-0.4 for thin petals and leaves; thicker for petioles
  • clippers, tweezers, pliers, pliers, scissors
  • PVA glue
  • green or black thread
  • a small flower pot
  • a piece of clay to secure the bouquet in the pot